We were honored to welcome the Regional Alternative Child Care Office (RACCO) Region III team for a monitoring visit at the Children’s Joy Foundation Pampanga Center. The team, composed of Roan Pevidal SWO 11 (Inter-Country Adoption), John Paul Dayrit SWO 11 (Adoption), and Sir Fahad Canayao SWO 11 (Foster).

The visit began with a discussion about our Case Management Process and Flow, followed by a thorough review of our Case Folders. During this process, the team asked insightful questions and sought clarifications, which were promptly addressed by our social worker and center head. One of the key points of discussion was the potential referral of clients for adoption or foster care. The team meticulously reviewed the cases of the children, demonstrating their commitment to ensuring the best possible outcomes for our beneficiaries.

We’re pleased to share that the Regional Alternative Child Care Office (RACCO) Region III team who visited the center commended and appreciated our reporting and documentation standards. Their positive feedback is a testament to our commitment to maintaining the highest standards in our work. We look forward to their next visit and the opportunity to continue demonstrating our dedication to the well-being of the children under our care.
AllWeNeedisLove #WePledge4Children #GlobalGoals #supportCJFI #RACCO3Monitoring #continuousimprovement #childwelfare #cjfipampanga
By Jomelyn J. Dariada, RSW | CJFI Pampanga Social Worker &
Shiela Marie Aurigue | CJFI IT Support Staff
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