Simultaneously, the CJFI Centers held another orientation regarding the Child Protection Policy (CPP), Child’s Rights and Responsibility, and the House Rules.

This vital orientation of CJFI every year was facilitated by the CJFI Social Workers and spearheaded by the Center Heads.
To shift to the main point of discussion, the facilitators discussed the objectives of the Child Protection Policy referred from UNICEF. CPP is not only for the protection of children but also for the service providers for them to be guided properly and accordingly on handling children without abusing them.
As it went on, the discussion led to the next topic which is Child’s Rights, children are all attentive and quickly respond to the asked questions. CJFI Social Workers shared with the kids that every privilege is equivalent to a responsibility.

Finally, for the last topic of the orientation, the facilitator also discussed the House rules of the CJFI Center: Cleanliness, interventions for children, daily routine, and some more.
The facilitators let the children watch UNICEF’s Child Protection Policy videos. Before the orientation adjourned, all the participants signed the Pledge of Commitment.

By Checaina Seno | CJFI IT Support Staff
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